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Animas City Mountain Prescribed Burn


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Updates Below:

May 13, 2023

This will be the Final Update. The Bureau of Land Management Tres Rios Field Office finished prescribed fire operations on the Animas City Mountain project. Ignitions were completed on Friday, May 12th, for a total of 228 acres treated and a final acreage of 495. Ignition crews black lined the flanks of the control lines, while Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) conducted aerial ignitions. Two UAS units flew throughout the shift. The Bureau of Land Management and the Division of Fire Prevention and Control (DFPC) piloted the drones. UAS resources utilized infrared cameras to identify residual heat or heat outside of control lines. Firefighters patrolled and conducted mop up actions on the units that were ignited. Resources remained in place late into the night, holding and monitoring the prescribed fire area.

Prescribed fire resources will continue to secure ignited areas for multiple days. Moisture is forecasted for the weekend. Saturday evening and Sunday wetting rain is expected over the burn area.

Residual smoke is expected to dissipate within a day or two. Smoke from the prescribed fire was heavy at times for short durations. During a wildfire incident smoke can persist for weeks or even months. Treatment of the project area is concluded.

Smoke from the prescribed burn:
Several smoke monitors are placed within the community. Go to for current air quality.

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued a Temporary Closure Order (COS01-23-02) on May 8th, that will remain in effect until rescinded. This includes all trail systems within the Animas City Mountain area, for all public use to provide for public safety.

City of Durango - All trails, trailheads, and parking lots at Animas City Mountain, Dalla Mountain Park, Tanque Verde and X-Rock will be closed to public access during the prescribed fire.

Non-fire Drone (UAS) & Aircraft Restrictions:
Thank you to the public for not using your personal UAS or drone. If flight space is intruded, it places danger for the UAS Pilot, firefighters, and public. During any wildfire or prescribed fire remember to keep your drone grounded.

May 11, 2023 at 10:30 AM

Information: 970-501-5665
Call Center Hours: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Planned Prescribed Fire Dates: May 8 – 15, 2023
Inciweb: Animas City Mountain Prescribed Burn:
Social Media: & SWD Fire Twitter @SWD_Fire
Air Quality Information:

The Bureau of Land Management Tres Rios Field Office did not conduct ignitions on the Animas City Mountain prescribed burn in Durango, Colorado on Wednesday, May 10th. Firefighters patrolled and conducted mop up operations on the units that were ignited within the last two days. Fire aviation drones flew the burned units utilizing infrared cameras to identify residual heat. Resources remained in place late into the night, holding and monitoring the prescribed fire area.

Burning will be paused today, Thursday, May 11th. Prescribed fire resources will continue to secure previously ignited areas before proceeding with additional burn operations. Moisture is forecasted for the weekend, starting Saturday afternoon as a low-pressure system moves into the area.

Continuation of ignition operations are anticipated to begin Friday, May 12th to complete Units 5 and 6. Smoke from the interior of units could remain visible throughout the weekend. Prescribed fire treatments are implemented to reduce the risk of high-intensity wildfire, improve forest health and wildlife habitat.

Smoke from the prescribed burn:
Several smoke monitors are placed within the community to monitor smoke impacts throughout the burn. Go to for current air quality.

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued a Temporary Closure Order (COS01-23-02) on May 8th, that will remain in effect until rescinded. This temporary closure is in effect within the Durango Special Recreation Management Area, including all trail systems within the Animas City Mountain area, for all public use to provide for public safety during this planned prescribed burn.

City of Durango - All trails, trailheads, and parking lots at Animas City Mountain, Dalla Mountain Park, Tanque Verde and X-Rock will be closed to public access during the prescribed fire.

Non-fire Drone (UAS) & Aircraft Restrictions:
To provide a safe environment for fire aviation, firefighters, and public safety, non-fire drones (UAS) and aircraft are restricted from Animas City Mountain area during prescribed burn operations.

May 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Firefighters on Animas City Mountain Prescribed burn patrolled and conducted mop up operations on the units that were ignited within the last two days.

Smoke will be visible throughout the week. If you have questions, please call the Animas City Mountain RX phone line at 970-501-5665.

For more information, please visit InciWeb at

May 10, 2023 at 11:25 AM


Planned Prescribed Fire Dates: May 8 – 15, 2023
Location: BLM Land Animas City Mountain, Durango, CO
Information: 970-501-5665
Call Center Hours: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Inciweb: Animas City Mountain Prescribed Burn:
Social Media: & SWD Fire Twitter @SWD_Fire
Air Quality Information:

The Bureau of Land Management Tres Rios Field Office resumed ignitions on the Animas City Mountain prescribed burn in Durango, Colorado on Tuesday, May 9th. Firefighters successfully burned 102 acres in Units 4 and 7. Fire aviation drones with infrared cameras were heavily used to assist firefighters with detecting heat near the perimeter. Resources remained in place late into the night, holding and monitoring the prescribed fire area.

Burning will be paused for the next two days to reduce the smoke impact to Durango and surrounding areas. Prescribed fire resources will continue to secure previously ignited areas before proceeding with additional burn operations. Moisture is forecasted for the weekend as a low-pressure system moves into the area.

Continuation of ignition operations could occur on Friday to complete Units 5 and 6. Smoke from the interior of units could remain visible throughout the week. Prescribed fire treatments are implemented to reduce the risk of high-intensity wildfire, improve forest health and wildlife habitat.

Smoke from the prescribed burn:
Several smoke monitors are placed within the community to monitor smoke impacts throughout the burn. Go to for current air quality.

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued a Temporary Closure Order (COS01-23-02) on May 8th, that will remain in effect until rescinded. This temporary closure is in effect within the Durango Special Recreation Management Area, including all trail systems within the Animas City Mountain area, for all public use to provide for public safety during this planned prescribed burn.
City of Durango - All trails, trailheads, and parking lots at Animas City Mountain, Dalla Mountain Park, Tanque Verde and X-Rock will be closed to public access during the prescribed fire.

Non-fire Drone (UAS) & Aircraft Restrictions:
To provide a safe environment for fire aviation, firefighters, and public safety, non-fire drones (UAS) and aircraft are restricted from Animas City Mountain area during prescribed burn operations.


May 9, 2023 at ~7:00 PM

The Animas City Mountain prescribed burn completed the second day of ignitions. 102 acres were accomplished today. Unit 4 & 7 had favorable fire effects in Ponderosa Pine and Gambel Oak.

Smoke is anticipated to settle in the Durango valley bottom overnight. Go to for current air quality. If there is smoke in your neighborhood, visit SJBPH Wildfire & Air Quality Resources for mitigation tips

Fire personnel will continue to work to secure burn perimeter. Burning operations will cease to permit smoke dispersal on Wednesday and Thursday. The next opportunity for ignitions will be Friday, May 12th. Fire resources anticipate burning up to 221 acres in Unit 5 & 6.

Information phone line is 970-501-5665.

May 9, 2023 at 10:25

Firefighters have started ignitions on Unit 4 on the Animas City Mountain Prescribed Burn. Please do not call 911, this is a controlled burn. Information call line is 970-501-5665 or visit Inciweb at For current air quality, go to


May 8, 2023 at 12:49 PM

Today, firefighters successfully burned 171 acres on Animas City Mountain in Durango, Colorado. Crews will be in place overnight, holding and monitoring the burned area. If conditions permit, firefighters plan to start ignitions in Unit 4 tomorrow.

While gusty winds are present in the City of Durango, the geologic features and vegetation in the burn area provide cover from the high winds. Firefighter and public safety are top priorities for this burn.

Smoke will be visible throughout the week. If you have questions, please call the Animas City Mountain RX phone line at 970-501-5665.

For more information, please visit InciWeb at