
WAP values your feedback. We are constantly working to improve efficiency, spread information, and assist in wildfire mitigation efforts across southwest Colorado. We could not do this without you. We welcome your feedback on how our organization is doing.

"Being a Wildfire Adapted Partnership (WAP) ambassador keeps me in touch with both people and programs in my county and beyond and I now have a reputation!  I have helped organize a summer "slash depot" for several years and folks know to expect a place locally to deposit their accumulated slash. This past summer we were able to supply wood chips to a local Table to Farm Compost operation.  Volunteering to make my community a safer and better place to live is something I find very satisfying!" 
- Marilyn McCord, Neighborhood Ambassador since 2012

"It is the leadership, training, motivation, collaboration, attitude and passion of Wildfire Adapted Partnership and their Ambassador Program that has taught us how to create the knowledge base and attitudes needed for our residents to keep working year after year to cultivate a healthy forest. " 
- Paulette Church: Falls Creek Ranch Ambassador and WAP Board of Directors

"The WAP Kickstart Grant has made a huge impact in our community. There was so much vegetation along certain sections of our main roads that property owners felt overwhelmed with beginning any sort of mitigation. Not only did the Grant provide for a safer ingress and egress for homeowners and firefighters during a fire, it has also inspired owners to pursue additional mitigation efforts on their properties to provide more safety around their homes as well as other improvements on their lots. WAP has been instrumental in making a difference in our community and we can't thank them enough!"
-Gem Boone, Neighborhood Ambassador since 2012