Links and Resources
Home Ignition Zones (HIZ)
In Colorado, wildfires are not a "what if" but a "when". To protect your lives and property from the devastating effects of wildfire, take into consideration your Home Ignition Zones (HIZ). Click the button below for in depth information and steps to take to improve your defensible space. The two primary determinates of a structures ability to survive a wildfire are ignitability and defensible space. Often, homeowners think that wildfire mitigation requires clearing all vegetation, but HIZ’s are a proven approach for reducing risk and protecting lives and property. The HIZ's help you assess the space around your home by setting three primary zones which are generally explained below. For more information about HIZ, please visit the Colorado State Forest Service HIZ Guide here. Click here for the HIZ Guide in Spanish. To get in depth information about your property sign up for a free Home Risk Site Visit here and learn about WAP’s Defensible Space Cost Share Program which assists homeowners in creating defensible space.
Useful Links
Current Wildfire Information
Listed are a few links to resources for following wildfire locations and activity. WAP understands that it can be difficult to keep track of the wildfires that affect us, and we hope that this resource will help guide you to the information that you are looking for. Click the photos to sign up for emergency alert systems in your county. If you still need additional support, please contact us, and we will do our best to assist you.
InciWeb the Incident Information System
Community Wildfire Protection Plan
The Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP), as described in the Healthy Forests Restoration Act, brings together diverse local interests to discuss their mutual concerns for public safety, community sustainability and natural resources. It offers a positive, solution-oriented environment in which to address challenges such as:
Local firefighting capability
The need for defensible space around homes and subdivision
Where and how to prioritize land management on both federal and non-federal land
Listed are SW Colorado’s county wide CWPP’s or Click here to view all of Colorado’s CWPP’s.
Mitigation Contractors
The Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) provides this list as a service only. Neither Wildfire Adapted Partnership or the CSFS makes implied or actual endorsements, recommendations, and/or certifications as to the performance of any businesses or individuals listed in this directory. Landowners and users of this directory are encouraged to request references and documentation of all applicable licenses and/or insurance coverages prior to entering into agreements with the businesses and individuals listed. Listings are by county according to the physical location of the business. Most contractors have an interest in working in adjacent and multiple counties.
If you are a contractor and you are not on this list but want to be, fill out this application to be added.
If you are a contractor and want to learn more about Wildfire Adapted Partnership’s Cost Share Program process, requirements, and expectations please watch the video —>
Wildfire Community Preparedness Day
Wildfire Preparedness Day is a national campaign that raises awareness of wildfire and encourages people and neighborhoods to take action to protect their lives, homes, and communities from the devastating effects of wildfire. For years, residents have banned together and conducted community workdays all across Southwest Colorado. The effort from locals make lasting impacts in their communities and inspires others to do the same. For more information about Wildfire Preparedness Day and to view WAP’s Wildfire Prep Day Story Map click here.
Targeted Grazing
Goats can serve as a great tool for wildfire mitigation, invasive species control, and wildlife habitat enhancement. Targeted grazing is defined as “The application of a specific kind of livestock at a determined season, duration, and intensity to accomplish defined vegetation of landscape goals,” (Targeted Grazing Committee of the Society of Range Management). Many in SW Colorado find utilizing goats for clearing gamble-oak is highly effective. For more information on targeted grazing click here.
Below are before and after photos of targeted grazing.