Defensible Space

Cost Share

Our Defensible Space Cost Share program helps offset costs for homeowners to hire contractors to do wildfire mitigation. After completing a wildfire risk site assessment, homeowners who live within the current grant geography can participate in a cost share project. Grant funding will be issued as a partial reimbursement after the project is complete and paid for in full by the homeowner. If you live anywhere in Southwest Colorado, you may be eligible for cost share assistance to reduce vegetation that makes your home vulnerable to wildfires. To find out how to make your home more fire safe and what resources are available to support forest thinning work on your property, contact your Wildfire Adapted County Coordinator.  A Home Ignition Zone specialist will provide a free home wildfire risk assessment and will mark trees for removal if you choose to pursue the defensible space cost-share program at that time.

Our defensible space cost-share is designed to partially reimburse qualifying homeowners for the cost of developing defensible space to increase your home’s chance of survival and increase firefighter safety when wildfires occur. Available funding varies per project based on your home site size, vegetation, and terrain. Funded projects will receive an award letter detailing the award amount, which the applicant must sign and return acknowledging the award agreement prior to work beginning with the selected contractor.  

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

Home Ignition Zones

A Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) is the area surrounding a home that needs to be carefully managed to reduce the risk of wildfire igniting the property. This zone typically spans up to 100 feet from the home and is divided into three areas: Zone 1 (0-5 feet), Zone 2 (5-30 feet), and Zone 3 (30-100 feet).

Zone 1

0-5 Feet from the home

Zone 2

5-30 Feet from the home

Zone 3

30-100 Feet from the home

Mitigation Contractors

The Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) provides this list as a service only. Neither Wildfire Adapted Partnership or the CSFS makes implied or actual endorsements, recommendations, and/or certifications as to the performance of any businesses or individuals listed in this directory. Landowners and users of this directory are encouraged to request references and documentation of all applicable licenses and/or insurance coverages prior to entering into agreements with the businesses and individuals listed. Listings are by county according to the physical location of the business. Most contractors have an interest in working in adjacent and multiple counties.

If you are a contractor and you are not on this list but want to be, fill out this application to be added. If you are a contractor and want to learn more about Wildfire Adapted Partnership’s Cost Share Program process, requirements, and expectations, please watch this video->>>>>